My celebratory apple crêpes

Sandra Slawinski 2nd February 2022 0 comments

I have fond childhood memories of my dad making crêpes and me eating them . Candlemas is for me just another excuse to eat and celebrate the memory of my grandmother, who always lit candles at this statue of Mary.

This time I made them á la Normande, with caramelised apples. Very thin slices of apple are caramelised in sugar and the crepe batter is poured over. Alternatively you can add a little brandy and flambée (set it on fire) it.





TIPS & SWAPS for my apple crêpes:

Swap the apple slices for pears, pineapple or persimmons.

Make the batter in advance and let cool in fridge for 30 minutes.

Easy to reheat, make a stack now and return to the pan for 2 minutes to reheat.

Use a flat non-stick pan, preferably a special crêpes pan to allow for easy flipping or sliding.

To flambée it, pour over a tablespoon of Brandy, stand back and light a match than light the crêpe. Let the fire sizzle out and serve.


My apple crêpes 

Yield 4 crêpes 


  • 250 gr flour, sifted
  • 50 cl milk, room temperature
  • 25 gr butter, soften and cooled
  • 2 eggs and 2 yolks
  • 40 gr sugar
  • pinch of salt
  • 2 apples, cored, peeled, sliced


  1. In a bowl add the flour and pinch of salt. Make a well in the middle and add the eggs and yolks.
  2. Use a whisk to stir while pouring slowly the milk.Pour in the cooled butter, and stir till combined and a fluid batter.
  3. Reserve in the fridge for 30 minutes.
  4. Heat the non-stick pan, brush with some butter, place the slices of apple in the pan. Cook on medium heat for 2 minutes then flip them over gently.  
  5. Cook for 2 minutes till they soften. Sprinkle over 1/4 of the sugar, let the sugar melt and caramelise, keep a close eye on it to not burn it.
  6. Once the sugar is melted, and has a golden caramel colour, pour over the batter to cover the apples and the pan. Let cook for a few minutes and check the colour.
  7. Turn the crêpe over gently ( I don't flip this one), and cook for a few minutes.
  8. ( You can flambé it now) Serve with butter and sugar. 


on by Sandra Slawinski

Created, written and photographed by Sandra Slawinski without commercial agreements. I used my LeCreuset crêpe pan, towel from Dille & Kamille and cutlery from ZaraHome. Teacup is vintage Boch.